
A little more about

Lisa Cartlidge Hypnotherapy

My journey into HYPNOTHERAPY

In 2015, my life lacked inspiration. I was overweight, unfit, and unmotivated, feeling like I had lost my identity. Hypnotherapy became a crucial part of my journey. Initially sceptical, I was desperately seeking help to lose weight. Not only did I shed the weight, but I also gained self-esteem, which was truly life-changing.

The Realisation

Realising my own value allowed me to respect myself, feel inspired, and understand that self-care is essential for my well-being.

The Passion

Since then, my passion for health and vitality has been unwavering, even in a society that often encourages indulgence.

The Vision

I have come to see that I have choices. While I could easily have chocolate or a glass of wine, I ask myself if it's truly worth feeling overweight and sluggish. Personally, I don’t think it is, most of the time!

The Mission

Inspiring others to become the best versions of themselves has become my passion. Witnessing people transform, conquer their anxieties, and achieve their goals fills me with joy and fulfilment.

The Realisation

Realising my own value allowed me to respect myself, feel inspired, and understand that self-care is essential for my well-being.

The Passion

Since then, my passion for health and vitality has been unwavering, even in a society that often encourages indulgence.

The Vision

I have come to see that I have choices. While I could easily have chocolate or a glass of wine, I ask myself if it's truly worth feeling overweight and sluggish. Personally, I don’t think it is, most of the time!

The Mission

Inspiring others to become the best versions of themselves has become my passion. Witnessing people transform, conquer their anxieties, and achieve their goals fills me with joy and fulfilment.

I am passionate about helping YOU

Solution-Focused Approach

The session begins with talking therapy, where I help you explore your vision of feeling calm, confident and happy. I hold a respect for the past without dwelling on it excessively. Emphasising forward-focused strategies, my aim is to move you towards positive outcomes and growth.

Embracing Trance

In the second part of the session, we delve into trance, inducing a deep, relaxed state that allows your brain to be highly receptive to positive suggestions. This helps to rebalance neural pathways, fostering feelings of calmness, relaxation, and confidence.

Positive Transformation

As the session concludes, you'll leave feeling lighter and brighter than when you arrived, equipped to maintain this positive mindset and outlook in the days ahead.

Flexible Session Duration

While most therapy sessions typically last an hour, I allow 1 1/2 hours to ensure you feel neither rushed nor pressured. This provides ample time for a relaxed and comprehensive experience, tailored to your needs.

In-Person or Remote Options

You can choose to have the sessions at my private and serene location in Stow-on-the-Wold or remotely via Zoom. All you need is a quiet space to talk and a comfortable spot to relax during trance.

Lisa's Six-Week Assurance

I acknowledge scepticism towards hypnotherapy, especially after trying other therapies without success. If improvement isn't seen within six weeks, I offer a money-back guarantee. All you need is the desire to change—I handle the rest!

With My Help, you too could unlock your Potential and Transform Your Life!

Realising my own value allowed me to respect myself, feel inspired, and understand that self-care is essential for my well-being.

Since then, my passion for health and vitality has been unwavering, even in a society that often encourages indulgence.

I've come to realise that I have choices. While I could easily have chocolate or a glass of wine, I ask myself if it's truly worth feeling overweight and sluggish. Personally, I don’t think it is, most of the time!

On those cold, rainy days when the idea of exercise seems unappealing, I face a choice.I can either revert to my old self, feeling worthless and bored, or I can push through and prioritise my health.

By embracing the rain and cold, I return home feeling exhilarated, proud, and deserving of a well-earned relaxing bath and some time on the sofa.

Inspiring others to become the best versions of themselves has become my passion.

Witnessing people transform, conquer their anxieties, and achieve their goals fills me with joy and fulfilment.

Don't just take my WORD for it

Customer Opinion

For years I have suffered with extreme anxiety and moderate depression. I tried talk therapy and heavy medication from the drs but nothing seemed to work. It was getting to a point that it was affecting my business and I was struggling to cope, it would leave me feeling exhausted.

My husband found Lisa on line for me as a possible solution. Working with Lisa has been life changing!

Results were pretty much instant, my anxiety has dramatically decreased and my confidence grown. I am so impressed I can’t help but tell people about it. Lisa is brilliant at what she does, putting you at ease straight away, which takes any apprehension out of the process

Customer Opinion

Before I spoke to Lisa my mental state was in shambles and my s**t bucket had turned into a s**t silo. Without her help I dread to think where I would be now.

Thankfully I found her when I did and I'm a far happier and content person with goals and dreams that I never thought I'd be able to achieve.

I can't recommend her enough. Calling her a life saver would be undervaluing her skills.

Customer Opinion

I went to Lisa about 2 years ago. I am waiting for a knee replacement and with her help I lost 3 and a half stone... I've managed to keep 3 stone off and now I'm waiting to go in for surgery hopefully in June :)

Customer Opinion

A fabulous experience, kept me grounded when things were really hard! Thank you Lisa

Me when I'm NOT working

Nowadays, during my free time, you'll often find me cycling or enjoying the company of my mischievous 6-month-old grandson. I am proud of my two children and the adults they have become, they are now independent and although as a parent I am always here, I think it is important that they live their own lives.

At 51, I prioritise health and fitness, understanding that good health cannot be bought. I take full responsibility for my well-being and aim to reduce future health risks. I don't want to have any regrets about neglecting self-care if I ever end up in the hospital.

It is important to know your own worth and strength. Sometimes we try to seek validation and encouragement from others, but it is important to remember that they can only offer what they believe they are capable of.

Your friends may unknowingly project their own limitations onto you and will often try and shield you from potential failure. People fear failure, not understanding it is merely a stepping stone towards success.

I believe the only failure is not trying in the first place. It was Einstein who said “failure is success in progress”.

Where I belive my life changed for the BETTER!


Feeling uninspired and disconnected from life, I struggled with teenage children, an unfulfilling job, being overweight, and a lack of motivation. I was merely going through the motions. A friend's achievement of completing a half Ironman, despite being significantly overweight, inspired me. Desperate for change, I sought help from a hypnotherapist to lose weight. After just one session, I naturally began to eat healthier and lost nearly 2½ stone in nine months. Hypnotherapy not only helped with weight loss but also made me feel calmer and more capable than I had in years.


I accepted a challenge from colleagues to train for a 6-mile Wolfe Run, despite being overweight and unable to run half a mile. After three months of training and support from a friend, I completed the race, which motivated me to continue my fitness journey. Each year, I set new goals, and after a knee injury, I switched to cycling. With my friend's help, I gradually increased my cycling distances from 20 miles to 100 miles.

I discovered a last-minute event on Facebook to cycle from London to Hamburg in four days, covering 100 miles each day. Despite initial doubts, I joined and enjoyed the challenge, being the only female participant. Upon returning, a cyclist friend encouraged me to qualify for the UCI Gran Fondo championships in Australia. Although it seemed unlikely, I trained and astonishingly qualified, allowing me to wear the GB kit.


I cycled for GB at the UCI Gran Fondo in Australia and two weeks later completed my first half Ironman distance triathlon.


I cycled London to Paris. Once you realise you are capable of achieving things, you become brave and courageous and this comes into all areas of your life.

Unhappy with my job and realising the difference that Hypnotherapy has made to my life, I trained to be a Hypnotherapist, left my job and started my own hypnotherapy business.


I ran 50 miles


I completed a Full Ironman (2.4mile swim, 112 miles bike, and 26.2miles run).


2020 was going to be 3 Marathons over 3 days along the Jurassic Coast, I trained hard but a week before the event a COVID lockdown got in the way, I intended to do it the following year, but in truth I just didn't have the desire to do all that run training again, and that is okay.


Completed another Ironman distance triathlon.


Competed in Ibiza at the GB age group World Championship for Long Distance Triathlon.

Our family dynamics shifted with the arrival of my first grandchild. At just 6 months old, he has brought immense joy into our lives. Being a grandparent truly is an incredible experience, and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to care for him a couple of days a week.

Due to time limitations, I have reassessed the need for quite such big goals, but I recognise the significance of maintaining my fitness for my health. Therefore, my goal is to incorporate regular rides into my routine without the pressure of an event, I therefore aim to cycle 100-150 miles each week. I do not want to lose the fitness that has taken a lot of work to build.
If people were to look at me now, they might assume that I have always been fit and that staying active comes easily to me.

But in 2014, if you had told me I would complete an Ironman or compete with GB kit on, I would have laughed in disbelief.
My Qualifications

I've got the qualifications to BACK IT UP

With over 3,500 hours of experience, my approach differs from traditional counselling as I primarily work in a solution-focused manner.

While we can appreciate the past and its impact, we cannot change it. Instead, I help you to focus on creating the future you desire, leaving you calmer, more confident, and empowered to achieve your goals and dreams.

To achieve this, we utilise hypnotic trance to quiet the negative "chimp" part of your brain, allowing your logical, rational, and creative thinking to find solutions and create new neural pathways towards your preferred future.

Rest assured, hypnotic trance is a lovely, relaxing experience and I cannot make you do anything against your will. It's a wonderful process, and after just one session, clients often feel lighter, brighter, and more in control of their thoughts.

Over the course of our sessions, your stress and anxiety will diminish and you will notice yourself thinking and behaving in new ways that support your goals and help you become the best version of yourself.

Together, we will leave the past behind and focus on building the future you truly want.With each session, you will experience a shift in mindset and behaviours that align with your aspirations. It's a transformative journey that leads to a feeling of inner peace, greater self-empowerment and personal growth.

Diploma in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

Issued by the Clifton Practice

Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma

Issued by National Council for Hypnotherapy

Diploma in Medical Hypnotherapy

Issued by the Clinical Hypnotherapy School

Let me help you unlock your Potential and TRANSFORM your life!

Whether it's in fitness or any other aspect of life, find what inspires you. Take that first step, followed by the next, and witness the incredible transformations that can unfold.

Ask yourself, what would your future self want you to have started today? Envision the possibilities if you took that first step, then the next step and remained consistent.

  Just imagine where you could be in a year, two years, or even five years from now. Embrace the potential of your journey and the incredible growth that awaits you.
Wyck Hill Lodge, Stow-on-the-Wold, Cheltenham GL54 1HT
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